A political Blog about how and why a reign of terror in West Bengal is unleashed planfully by imperialists, multinational company financed and supported Rainbow Alliance of Maoists, Naxalites,TMC, Congress, SUCI, perverted anti-Communist and anti-Leftist so-called sold-out intellectuals, corporate media and NGOs of doubtful character. Source: 'People's Democracy', 'Ganashakti' and other Left oriented journals.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
As the Railway Minister in the NDA Government, Mamata Banerjee had laid the foundation stone of bridge on river Ganges at Naihati between Naihati and Bandel in West Bengal on 26th June 2002 and named it Bankim Bridge. The stone still remains exposed and shining. The construction work is going on and 40% to 45% of the same is almost complete.
It is ridiculous to find that Mamata Banerjee has again inaugurated the construction of the same bridge for the 2nd time on 08-11-2009 spending extravagantly huge public money in the midst of her sycophants, perverted intellectuals and Maoist-TMC goons. This time she has renamed it as “Sampriti Bridge”. This is unprecedented in the history of not only the Indian Railway but also that of the country.
Since her taking over the charge of the Railway Ministry, the number of accidents, accidental deaths and damage to railway properties by her ally the Maoists have increased manifold. Instead of giving attention to the safety and security of the passengers and the railway properties, she has shamelessly been performing political circus and gimmick at the cost of the public money for petty political gains. Most of the time she remains in West Bengal engaged in creating a reign of terror and lawlessness wherever she goes, inaugurating old trains in new names and other political stunts and drama.
The Prime Minister should look into this matter and advise her to discharge her constitutional responsibilities instead of performing tricks and feats of political jugglery.
It is ridiculous to find that Mamata Banerjee has again inaugurated the construction of the same bridge for the 2nd time on 08-11-2009 spending extravagantly huge public money in the midst of her sycophants, perverted intellectuals and Maoist-TMC goons. This time she has renamed it as “Sampriti Bridge”. This is unprecedented in the history of not only the Indian Railway but also that of the country.
Since her taking over the charge of the Railway Ministry, the number of accidents, accidental deaths and damage to railway properties by her ally the Maoists have increased manifold. Instead of giving attention to the safety and security of the passengers and the railway properties, she has shamelessly been performing political circus and gimmick at the cost of the public money for petty political gains. Most of the time she remains in West Bengal engaged in creating a reign of terror and lawlessness wherever she goes, inaugurating old trains in new names and other political stunts and drama.
The Prime Minister should look into this matter and advise her to discharge her constitutional responsibilities instead of performing tricks and feats of political jugglery.
The dead body of a girl Rupa Biswas of village Bahirgachi under Nakashipara Police Station in Nadia district was found on 26-07-2009 in the village. It was confirmed that the girl was murdered after rape. The Maoist-TMC Member of Parliament Tapas Pal, under whose constituency the areas falls, went to the spot and while addressing the agitated people asked them to beat the unknown rapists to death otherwise he himself would do so.
On 29-10-2009 on the basis of definite information and investigation the police has arrested local Maoist-TMC Mafia leader Shyamal Bhattacharjee and 3 other TMC-Maoist Mafia goons for rape and murder of Rupa Biswas.
It is not only most unfortunate and but also shameful and shocking for the society that the so-called intellectuals and human rights activists, who are on the pay roll of finance capital, big business houses and imperialists, have not uttered a single word against one after another rape and murder committed by their beloved TMC-Maoist ‘so-called’ revolutionaries. But during the Nandigram episode these politically motivated perverts had unleashed a flood of false and manufactured propaganda of rape of women and murder of children.
On 29-10-2009 on the basis of definite information and investigation the police has arrested local Maoist-TMC Mafia leader Shyamal Bhattacharjee and 3 other TMC-Maoist Mafia goons for rape and murder of Rupa Biswas.
It is not only most unfortunate and but also shameful and shocking for the society that the so-called intellectuals and human rights activists, who are on the pay roll of finance capital, big business houses and imperialists, have not uttered a single word against one after another rape and murder committed by their beloved TMC-Maoist ‘so-called’ revolutionaries. But during the Nandigram episode these politically motivated perverts had unleashed a flood of false and manufactured propaganda of rape of women and murder of children.
There is no denying the fact that the society demands timely and proper disposal of the dead body of even a creature with due honour and respect. But the whole world witnessed with horror and shock how the dead bodies of 4 poor tribal CPI (M) cadres butchered by Maoist-TMC-Congress-SUCI Alliance were kept in open for 5 days in a stretch without allowing their disposal by the Maoist-TMC criminals at Lalgarh in West Bengal. Their relatives were neither allowed to cry nor come near and touch the bodies of their dear and beloved ones. The Maoist-TMC goons danced and sang around the bodies with drums and other musical instruments in the same manner as cannibals practice the ritual before consuming dead human bodies. Their brutality and inhumanity surpassed all limits of human tolerance and society.
In the meantime, Maoist-TMC goons have already butchered more than 300 innocent people. Out of this 300, more than 100 are tribals.
But it is most shocking and shameful to find that the perverted intellectuals who often talk about human rights and tribal’s welfare have not yet come out with any statement condemning the on-going ghastly incidents in West Bengal. On the other hand, these hypocrites on the pay roll of imperialists, big business house and finance capital are helping the Maoist-TMC murderers and rapists in creating a reign of terror in West Bengal to dislodge the Left Front Government anyhow and at any cost to please their masters.
In the meantime, Maoist-TMC goons have already butchered more than 300 innocent people. Out of this 300, more than 100 are tribals.
But it is most shocking and shameful to find that the perverted intellectuals who often talk about human rights and tribal’s welfare have not yet come out with any statement condemning the on-going ghastly incidents in West Bengal. On the other hand, these hypocrites on the pay roll of imperialists, big business house and finance capital are helping the Maoist-TMC murderers and rapists in creating a reign of terror in West Bengal to dislodge the Left Front Government anyhow and at any cost to please their masters.
The Maoist Railway Minister has all on a sudden removed 20 chairmen of the Railway Recruit Boards out 21 in the country before expiry of their term without assigning any reason thereof and appointed her own sycophants and men in their place. Almost all the removed officials were senior officials of the Indian Railways and appointed during the regime of her predecessor. This pre-planned action on her part is unprecedented in the history of the Indian Railways.
Now, the following pertinent questions have arisen very logically and reasonably.
(1) What were the grounds for their removal?
(2) If they are engaged in corruption or are inefficient, why the same have not yet been made public?
(3) If they were engaged in corruption, why action on that basis has not yet been initiated against them?
(4) What are the qualifications of those appointed newly in their places?
(5) Are all the newly appointed Chairmen honest and efficient?
In this connection, it would be not out of place to mention that 1, 72,444 vacancies in the Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts are lying vacant in the railways. The TMC leaders and workers have been distributing forms in different places of West Bengal for appointment in these vacant railway posts.
Maoist Mamata Banerjee thinks the Indian Railways is her own private property. The above-mentioned action of the Maoist Railway Minister is to pave way for the appointment of Maoist-TMC Mafia goons in the 1, 72,444 vacancies illegally throwing to winds all recruitment rules and regulations. So, she needs her own men on the Railway Recruitment Boards in 20 cities of the country.
It is pertinent to mention that she has already appointed Subhaprasanna Bhattacharjee, Shaoli Mitra and other Maoist ‘pseudo’ intellectuals on different committee of the railways at the cost of huge public money. She did not stop here. She has provided them with life-long Free A.C. Railway Passes with one companion for campaigning in her favour in the last Parliamentary Elections, 2009.
The Prime Minister should cause immediately a detailed and thorough enquiry into the reshuffle of the Railway Recruitment Boards and place the fact before all in national interest because Indian Railways is not the private property of any individual or political party.
Now, the following pertinent questions have arisen very logically and reasonably.
(1) What were the grounds for their removal?
(2) If they are engaged in corruption or are inefficient, why the same have not yet been made public?
(3) If they were engaged in corruption, why action on that basis has not yet been initiated against them?
(4) What are the qualifications of those appointed newly in their places?
(5) Are all the newly appointed Chairmen honest and efficient?
In this connection, it would be not out of place to mention that 1, 72,444 vacancies in the Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ posts are lying vacant in the railways. The TMC leaders and workers have been distributing forms in different places of West Bengal for appointment in these vacant railway posts.
Maoist Mamata Banerjee thinks the Indian Railways is her own private property. The above-mentioned action of the Maoist Railway Minister is to pave way for the appointment of Maoist-TMC Mafia goons in the 1, 72,444 vacancies illegally throwing to winds all recruitment rules and regulations. So, she needs her own men on the Railway Recruitment Boards in 20 cities of the country.
It is pertinent to mention that she has already appointed Subhaprasanna Bhattacharjee, Shaoli Mitra and other Maoist ‘pseudo’ intellectuals on different committee of the railways at the cost of huge public money. She did not stop here. She has provided them with life-long Free A.C. Railway Passes with one companion for campaigning in her favour in the last Parliamentary Elections, 2009.
The Prime Minister should cause immediately a detailed and thorough enquiry into the reshuffle of the Railway Recruitment Boards and place the fact before all in national interest because Indian Railways is not the private property of any individual or political party.
The Adra Division of the Eastern Railways has been under constant attack of the Maoist Mafias for the last two years. This division falls within the Maoist Mafia infested Jangalmahal area. The railway employees of this have been working with their life in their hands. Their life has become more unsafe and risky with the installation of Maoist Mamata Banerjee as the Railway Minister. Both the Maoists and the TMC goons roam together with arms in these areas. Many officials and employees suffering from insecurity are trying to get themselves transferred to other divisions. The Maoist-TMC goons often come to the railway officials in search for names and addresses of the contractors so as to extort from them. Besides, the TMC goons are trying to force the railway officials to employ their own men.
The Railway Protection Force could not take any action against the Maoist-TMC goons. The gang men, gate men and porter men have to work on the railway tracks in isolated places without any security. There are no firearms in the hands of the R.P.F. guarding trains from Chandil to Purulia Railway Station. The few R.P.F. with arms on 315 UP Chakradharpur-Howrah Train passing through Maoist infested areas always remain panicky.
The detention of Rajdhani Express by Maoists at Banstala Railway Station on 27th October, 2009 in collusion with the Maoist Railway Minister for the release of Maoist leader Chatradhar Mahato has increased their panic and apprehension manifold. A few glaring examples of the sabotage caused by the Maoists in collusion with TMC in the said division are furnished as hereunder.
(1) The Maoist-TMC goons blow up the railway station of Biramdih falling in between Adra-Chandil Section on 26-06-2007.
(2) Posters threatening the railway employees of Biramdih Railway Station were pasted on 14th August 2007.
(3) Heavy damage was caused to the Biramdih Railway Station on 13th May 2008 being the previous day of the Bandh called by the Maoists.
(4) A R.P.F man was killed and his arm was snatched at Barabhum Railway Station.
(5) The gang men recovered a landmine planted at the Biramdih Railway Station on 22nd June 2009.
(6) Bob blast by Maoists near Ursha Railway Station.
(7) Blowing up railway tracks between Ursha and Kantadih Railway Station by Maoists on 2nd October 2009.
(8) The detention of Bhubaneswar-New Delhi Rajdhani Express at Banstala Railway Station by Maoist-TMC goons for the release of Maoist terrorist Chatradhar Mahato.
It is high time that the Prime Minister should cause a detailed enquiry by CBI into the activities of the Maoist Railway Minister so as to ensure safety and security of not only the railway passengers but also the entire railways in national interest.
The Railway Protection Force could not take any action against the Maoist-TMC goons. The gang men, gate men and porter men have to work on the railway tracks in isolated places without any security. There are no firearms in the hands of the R.P.F. guarding trains from Chandil to Purulia Railway Station. The few R.P.F. with arms on 315 UP Chakradharpur-Howrah Train passing through Maoist infested areas always remain panicky.
The detention of Rajdhani Express by Maoists at Banstala Railway Station on 27th October, 2009 in collusion with the Maoist Railway Minister for the release of Maoist leader Chatradhar Mahato has increased their panic and apprehension manifold. A few glaring examples of the sabotage caused by the Maoists in collusion with TMC in the said division are furnished as hereunder.
(1) The Maoist-TMC goons blow up the railway station of Biramdih falling in between Adra-Chandil Section on 26-06-2007.
(2) Posters threatening the railway employees of Biramdih Railway Station were pasted on 14th August 2007.
(3) Heavy damage was caused to the Biramdih Railway Station on 13th May 2008 being the previous day of the Bandh called by the Maoists.
(4) A R.P.F man was killed and his arm was snatched at Barabhum Railway Station.
(5) The gang men recovered a landmine planted at the Biramdih Railway Station on 22nd June 2009.
(6) Bob blast by Maoists near Ursha Railway Station.
(7) Blowing up railway tracks between Ursha and Kantadih Railway Station by Maoists on 2nd October 2009.
(8) The detention of Bhubaneswar-New Delhi Rajdhani Express at Banstala Railway Station by Maoist-TMC goons for the release of Maoist terrorist Chatradhar Mahato.
It is high time that the Prime Minister should cause a detailed enquiry by CBI into the activities of the Maoist Railway Minister so as to ensure safety and security of not only the railway passengers but also the entire railways in national interest.
The German People and a section of the intelligentsia raised Hitler to power in 1933. Hitler became a dictator and plunged the whole of Germany into 2nd World War. At the end of the 2nd World War it was found that beside other losses at least one person from each and every family had lost his life as a result of the war.
Indira Gandhi created Bhindranwale and installed him at the Amritsar Golden Temple to counter the Akali Dal in Punjab Politics. Consequently, she had to pay price by giving up her own life on 30th October 1984.
United States of America in collusion with Pakistan created Taliban to overthrow the Communist Government led by Nazibullah. Today Pakistan and its people are suffering immensely at the hands of Taliban.
Once, both Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi had supported L.T.T.E. and allowed it to open training centers on the soil of the country. Ultimately, Rajiv Gandhi had to pay high price by way of sacrificing his own life.
The people sitting at the helm affairs in New Delhi once supported the splinter groups of Kashmir to counter Seikh Abdullah, Farooq Abdullah and his party. Today Kashmir suffers for the same.
In North-East separatists were once supported to create problems for the opposition led governments. The country has still been paying for the same.
The ruling party at the centre and its allies has not learnt any lesson from the past. Mamata Banerjee and her associates have brought Maoists into West Bengal and have been supporting all separatist forces to dislodge the ruling Left Front Government. These irresponsible political leaders have forgotten that politics will not end with the removal of the Left Front Government. The Frankenstein that they have created today for undermining the Leftists in order to gain electoral gains will also haunt them in future and they will have to face the same fate in the coming days as those of the present day victims.
Indira Gandhi created Bhindranwale and installed him at the Amritsar Golden Temple to counter the Akali Dal in Punjab Politics. Consequently, she had to pay price by giving up her own life on 30th October 1984.
United States of America in collusion with Pakistan created Taliban to overthrow the Communist Government led by Nazibullah. Today Pakistan and its people are suffering immensely at the hands of Taliban.
Once, both Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi had supported L.T.T.E. and allowed it to open training centers on the soil of the country. Ultimately, Rajiv Gandhi had to pay high price by way of sacrificing his own life.
The people sitting at the helm affairs in New Delhi once supported the splinter groups of Kashmir to counter Seikh Abdullah, Farooq Abdullah and his party. Today Kashmir suffers for the same.
In North-East separatists were once supported to create problems for the opposition led governments. The country has still been paying for the same.
The ruling party at the centre and its allies has not learnt any lesson from the past. Mamata Banerjee and her associates have brought Maoists into West Bengal and have been supporting all separatist forces to dislodge the ruling Left Front Government. These irresponsible political leaders have forgotten that politics will not end with the removal of the Left Front Government. The Frankenstein that they have created today for undermining the Leftists in order to gain electoral gains will also haunt them in future and they will have to face the same fate in the coming days as those of the present day victims.
Many possessed so far a high impression about Shri P. Chidambaram that he is a man of principle, integrity, honesty and functions above party lines. His fight and caution against Maoist menace in the country is genuine and guided by national interest. But his recent irresponsible, narrow and politically motivated utterances and brazen distortion of facts have shattered all these impressions.
He is the Home Minister of the country. So, he must have enough proof from his own intelligence source that Mamata Banerjee is actively hand in gloves with the Maoists. It is seen that the TMC and SUCI workers are openly working with the Maoists everywhere. The insurgence of Maoists in Nandigram, Singur, Arambagh, Mangalkote, Jangalmahal and other areas could not have been successful without the active help of the Railway Minister. It is an open secret that in Kolkata also Maoists are organizing rallies, processions, seminars and meetings in collusion with TMC and SUCI workers in broad daylight. The hijacking of the Rajdhani Express at Banstala Railway Station was no exception to this. The role played by the Indian Railways is sufficient to prove the nexus between Mamata Banerjee and the Maoists.
There is no denying the fact that the Left Front Government is the biggest obstruction to the implementation of Privatization, Globalization and Liberalization followed by the UPA Government. West Bengal is the only state where land reforms have been implemented successfully. Apart from this, the Coalition Government has been running successfully for the last 32 years. Elections to all local bodies are held democratically and timely. It is standing as an exemplary political formation and pillar of the mainstream leftists. The Congress Party believes in one party rule. So, removal of the Left Front Government is necessary not only for the Central Government but also for the imperialists, foreign finance capital and landlords to pave way for their own vested interests.
The aim and objective of P. Chidambram, Mamata Banerjee and the Maoist leader Kishanji is one and same that is removal of the Left Front Government and installation of Mamata Banerjee as the next Chief Minister of West Bengal anyhow and at any cost. So, all of them have been working in unison covertly and/or overtly to undermine the same.
In spite of knowing fully that only the CPI (M) is the victim of the brutalities committed by the Maoists along with TMC and SUCI, he most irresponsibly commented that the Maoists and the CPI (M) are friends. His words supporting the collaborators of a banned organization are guided by narrow political considerations for obtaining electoral gains at the cost of the nation. It is also aimed at to demoralize or maneuver the joint forces fighting against the Maoists; otherwise why it could not yet bring the Maoist activities in Jangalmahal under control. This sort of anti-national attitude on his part is unbecoming of a Home Minister. Moreover, his so-called fight against Maoists is nothing but eyewash; otherwise he would not have played this sort of duplicity and fraudulence with the nation. It proves beyond doubt that the nation is not safe at the hands of this gentleman who himself is politically biased, prejudiced and unfair.
He must keep in mind that in the same manner Indira Gandhi had created Bhindranwale and installed him at the Amritsar Golden Temple to counter the Akali Dal in Punjab Politics. Consequently, she had to pay price by giving up her own life on 30th October 1984 at the hands of Khalistanis.
As a matter of fact, the Maoist problem in West Bengal is a joint venture of P. Chidambram, Mamata Banerjee and the Maoist leader Kishanji aiming at destabilizing the Left Front Government consisting of the mainstream Leftist parties.
He is the Home Minister of the country. So, he must have enough proof from his own intelligence source that Mamata Banerjee is actively hand in gloves with the Maoists. It is seen that the TMC and SUCI workers are openly working with the Maoists everywhere. The insurgence of Maoists in Nandigram, Singur, Arambagh, Mangalkote, Jangalmahal and other areas could not have been successful without the active help of the Railway Minister. It is an open secret that in Kolkata also Maoists are organizing rallies, processions, seminars and meetings in collusion with TMC and SUCI workers in broad daylight. The hijacking of the Rajdhani Express at Banstala Railway Station was no exception to this. The role played by the Indian Railways is sufficient to prove the nexus between Mamata Banerjee and the Maoists.
There is no denying the fact that the Left Front Government is the biggest obstruction to the implementation of Privatization, Globalization and Liberalization followed by the UPA Government. West Bengal is the only state where land reforms have been implemented successfully. Apart from this, the Coalition Government has been running successfully for the last 32 years. Elections to all local bodies are held democratically and timely. It is standing as an exemplary political formation and pillar of the mainstream leftists. The Congress Party believes in one party rule. So, removal of the Left Front Government is necessary not only for the Central Government but also for the imperialists, foreign finance capital and landlords to pave way for their own vested interests.
The aim and objective of P. Chidambram, Mamata Banerjee and the Maoist leader Kishanji is one and same that is removal of the Left Front Government and installation of Mamata Banerjee as the next Chief Minister of West Bengal anyhow and at any cost. So, all of them have been working in unison covertly and/or overtly to undermine the same.
In spite of knowing fully that only the CPI (M) is the victim of the brutalities committed by the Maoists along with TMC and SUCI, he most irresponsibly commented that the Maoists and the CPI (M) are friends. His words supporting the collaborators of a banned organization are guided by narrow political considerations for obtaining electoral gains at the cost of the nation. It is also aimed at to demoralize or maneuver the joint forces fighting against the Maoists; otherwise why it could not yet bring the Maoist activities in Jangalmahal under control. This sort of anti-national attitude on his part is unbecoming of a Home Minister. Moreover, his so-called fight against Maoists is nothing but eyewash; otherwise he would not have played this sort of duplicity and fraudulence with the nation. It proves beyond doubt that the nation is not safe at the hands of this gentleman who himself is politically biased, prejudiced and unfair.
He must keep in mind that in the same manner Indira Gandhi had created Bhindranwale and installed him at the Amritsar Golden Temple to counter the Akali Dal in Punjab Politics. Consequently, she had to pay price by giving up her own life on 30th October 1984 at the hands of Khalistanis.
As a matter of fact, the Maoist problem in West Bengal is a joint venture of P. Chidambram, Mamata Banerjee and the Maoist leader Kishanji aiming at destabilizing the Left Front Government consisting of the mainstream Leftist parties.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Placed below for your perusal and comments a copy of letter written by Maoist Mukul Roy, Minister of State for Shipping, Government of India, New Delhi in his official pad to one Janab Syed Modhu of Chanditala, West Bengal.
Dated 17th August 09
Jb. Syed Modhu
Villeage Teesa, PS Chanditala
District Hooghly
Certified to appreciation for Maa, Mati and Manus
Your dedication for our Party, I have become with full of assurance to provide employment of about 5 Lakhs jobs to the Muslims men and women of all aged in West Bengal which CPIM led government had communally failed to protect fundamental right and employment of the minority in all public sectors. However, for your acid intimate, I authorized you to recruit names belongs to the Muslim unemployed youth in your area for representation of employment in my Shipping Ministry, Govt. of India.
Personal regards,
Yours sincerely,
Mukul Roy
NB: - The so-called guardians of the morality, honest and impartiality are keeping silence on this matter.
Dated 17th August 09
Jb. Syed Modhu
Villeage Teesa, PS Chanditala
District Hooghly
Certified to appreciation for Maa, Mati and Manus
Your dedication for our Party, I have become with full of assurance to provide employment of about 5 Lakhs jobs to the Muslims men and women of all aged in West Bengal which CPIM led government had communally failed to protect fundamental right and employment of the minority in all public sectors. However, for your acid intimate, I authorized you to recruit names belongs to the Muslim unemployed youth in your area for representation of employment in my Shipping Ministry, Govt. of India.
Personal regards,
Yours sincerely,
Mukul Roy
NB: - The so-called guardians of the morality, honest and impartiality are keeping silence on this matter.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The unprecedented brutality and violence of the Maoist-TMC action squad members in West Bengal particularly one women and minor girls keep on increasing dangerously with the passage of each day.
(1) In last July 2009 a poor underprivileged woman Anjali Maiti of Tikashi Gram Panchayat under Khejuri Police Station was repeatedly raped in a stretch for some days by Maoist-TMC action squad members taking advantage of the absence of her husband, who, being a CPI (M) supporter, had fled to save his life from the wrath of the killers leaving behind his wife to look after the ancestral home.
(2) On 27th September 2009 at about 9-00 p.m. 35-40 Maoist-TMC armed goons attacked Muslim dominated locality of Mollapara in CPI (M) supporter village called Baradighrui under Purshura Police Station in Hooghly district of West Bengal. During this attack, they torched most of the houses of the poor people and assaulted seriously CPI (M) farmer leader Seikh Hashibul Hussain. His waist and legs were not only broken to pieces but was also repeatedly stabbed seriously in the back with pointed spears.
He was admitted to Arambagh Hospital and after fighting with death for 11 days he expired on 9th October 2009.
After attacking Seikh Hashibul Hussein, they went to the nearby house of another CPI (M) supporter family belonging 75 year old Saifunissa. Seeing them approaching, all her sons named Sk. Mossaraf Hussain, Sk. Nazir, Sk. Mujibur Rehaman, Sk. Moyunuddin, Sk. Nayeem and other male members fled to save their lives leaving behind female members and children. The goons started to assault females. One of them snatched 1.1/2 years grandson Riyaz from the lap of his mother and tried to throw him into the nearby pond. Seeing this Saifunissa prevented him from doing so. At this the goons became furious and started to beat her with sticks and bamboos. She received serious injuries in her left leg. The brutality of the Maoist-TMC criminals did not stop here. Some of them caught one of her daughter-in-laws Siddique Begum and gangraped her repeatedly. Other female members were also molested.
Saifunissa remained lying in the house suffering for two days without any treatment as nobody dared enter her house. On 29th September 2009 she was rescued by the police and admitted to Arambagh Government Hospital.
On seeing deterioration in her health, she was referred to S.S.K.M. Hospital on 9th October 2009 in a serious condition. The attending physicians expressed the need for amputation of her left leg to save her life. But she was practically in a coma without responding to medical treatment and succumbed to her fatal serious injuries at 4-30 p.m. on 4th November 2009.
Instead of showing any sympathy for the old lady of 75, Mamata Banerjee, in order to protect the offenders, declared brazenly in a mass meeting at Arambagh in the afternoon of the same day that Saifunissa Bibi had died a natural death. She did not stop here. She incited her supporters to create such a situation so that the Central Government will be forced to impose President’s Rule in West Bengal advancing the assembly elections scheduled to be held in 2011.
Next day Saifunissa Bibi was laid in rest in the graveyard of her family by her sons and near relatives. But all of them had to leave their ancestral home immediately to pass their days in the refugee camps.
(3) At night of 22nd October 2009 in the village of Mogra in Ramchak Gram Panchayat under Moyna Police Station in East Midnapur, West Bengal the Maoist-TMC action squad members under the leadership of one Pankaj Mondal in a conciliation meeting asked a widow and mother of three children Smt. Malabika Maji to commit suicide after giving her bad name on false grounds. When the helpless lady refused to do so, she was tied to a big tree and torched after pouring kerosene on her body. However, she was rescued by the villagers and admitted to Moyna Rural Hospital where she is still fighting for her life.
The West Bengal Women’s Commission has already caused detailed investigations into the gruesome incidents and found all of them true. The Commission has condemned them in the strongest possible manner and recommended the state government to take exemplary drastic actions against the Maoist-TMC culprits.
But it is most unfortunate, shameful, shocking and regrettable that the ‘so-called’ contractors of the civil society and savior of tribals in the garb of intellectuals, foreign funded agents working in the guise of human rights activists and the politically motivated media have not yet come out with any statement or writing condemning the ghastly incidents of atrocities on helpless poor women because all these atrocities fall within the purview of revolutionary performance and activities of CPI (Maoist)-TMC Alliance and its vanguards fighting against the CPI (M).
(1) In last July 2009 a poor underprivileged woman Anjali Maiti of Tikashi Gram Panchayat under Khejuri Police Station was repeatedly raped in a stretch for some days by Maoist-TMC action squad members taking advantage of the absence of her husband, who, being a CPI (M) supporter, had fled to save his life from the wrath of the killers leaving behind his wife to look after the ancestral home.
(2) On 27th September 2009 at about 9-00 p.m. 35-40 Maoist-TMC armed goons attacked Muslim dominated locality of Mollapara in CPI (M) supporter village called Baradighrui under Purshura Police Station in Hooghly district of West Bengal. During this attack, they torched most of the houses of the poor people and assaulted seriously CPI (M) farmer leader Seikh Hashibul Hussain. His waist and legs were not only broken to pieces but was also repeatedly stabbed seriously in the back with pointed spears.
He was admitted to Arambagh Hospital and after fighting with death for 11 days he expired on 9th October 2009.
After attacking Seikh Hashibul Hussein, they went to the nearby house of another CPI (M) supporter family belonging 75 year old Saifunissa. Seeing them approaching, all her sons named Sk. Mossaraf Hussain, Sk. Nazir, Sk. Mujibur Rehaman, Sk. Moyunuddin, Sk. Nayeem and other male members fled to save their lives leaving behind female members and children. The goons started to assault females. One of them snatched 1.1/2 years grandson Riyaz from the lap of his mother and tried to throw him into the nearby pond. Seeing this Saifunissa prevented him from doing so. At this the goons became furious and started to beat her with sticks and bamboos. She received serious injuries in her left leg. The brutality of the Maoist-TMC criminals did not stop here. Some of them caught one of her daughter-in-laws Siddique Begum and gangraped her repeatedly. Other female members were also molested.
Saifunissa remained lying in the house suffering for two days without any treatment as nobody dared enter her house. On 29th September 2009 she was rescued by the police and admitted to Arambagh Government Hospital.
On seeing deterioration in her health, she was referred to S.S.K.M. Hospital on 9th October 2009 in a serious condition. The attending physicians expressed the need for amputation of her left leg to save her life. But she was practically in a coma without responding to medical treatment and succumbed to her fatal serious injuries at 4-30 p.m. on 4th November 2009.
Instead of showing any sympathy for the old lady of 75, Mamata Banerjee, in order to protect the offenders, declared brazenly in a mass meeting at Arambagh in the afternoon of the same day that Saifunissa Bibi had died a natural death. She did not stop here. She incited her supporters to create such a situation so that the Central Government will be forced to impose President’s Rule in West Bengal advancing the assembly elections scheduled to be held in 2011.
Next day Saifunissa Bibi was laid in rest in the graveyard of her family by her sons and near relatives. But all of them had to leave their ancestral home immediately to pass their days in the refugee camps.
(3) At night of 22nd October 2009 in the village of Mogra in Ramchak Gram Panchayat under Moyna Police Station in East Midnapur, West Bengal the Maoist-TMC action squad members under the leadership of one Pankaj Mondal in a conciliation meeting asked a widow and mother of three children Smt. Malabika Maji to commit suicide after giving her bad name on false grounds. When the helpless lady refused to do so, she was tied to a big tree and torched after pouring kerosene on her body. However, she was rescued by the villagers and admitted to Moyna Rural Hospital where she is still fighting for her life.
The West Bengal Women’s Commission has already caused detailed investigations into the gruesome incidents and found all of them true. The Commission has condemned them in the strongest possible manner and recommended the state government to take exemplary drastic actions against the Maoist-TMC culprits.
But it is most unfortunate, shameful, shocking and regrettable that the ‘so-called’ contractors of the civil society and savior of tribals in the garb of intellectuals, foreign funded agents working in the guise of human rights activists and the politically motivated media have not yet come out with any statement or writing condemning the ghastly incidents of atrocities on helpless poor women because all these atrocities fall within the purview of revolutionary performance and activities of CPI (Maoist)-TMC Alliance and its vanguards fighting against the CPI (M).
Friday, November 6, 2009
Some sycophants and perverts try to term Mamata Banerjee as a firebrand leader. Is it really so? If anyone tries to look at her past and present track of records, he will find that she is nothing but a personification of indiscipline, destruction immoral principles, opportunism, conveniences, Fascism, arrogance, blatant lies and duplicity.
There is no denying the fact that wherever she goes, she accompanies with her a force engaged in destruction, obstruction, assault, hooliganism, rowdyism, loot, provocation,fire setting, murder, plunder and rape. She and her colleagues speak the language of the underworld.
The whole country saw how Mamata Banerjee and her perverted goons on the slightest pretext had destroyed the valuable property inside the West Bengal Legislative Assembly, again and again burnt all kinds of both public and private vehicles to ashes, damaged government offices and its properties worth crores and crores of rupees. She had obstructed railways tracks and National Highways for days together during Singur and Nandigram agitations including Durgapur Highway Express. She did not forcibly allow coming up industries and executing developmental works in the state.
The Indian Railways is in a mess under her. The safety and security of the passengers are in danger. In fact, her political friends the Maoists have a free hand in the railways.
Now, she is hell bent on burning the state by way of creating a reign of terror and complete lawlessness to facilitate paving way for the imposition of President’s rule so as to advance as early as possible the assembly elections scheduled to be held in 2011.
The Maoist Fascists with red flags, imperialists, international finance capital, big business houses, ‘pseudo’ intellectuals and politically motivated media back her dangerous mission and operation. The present violence taking place in Lalgharh, Khanakul, Nanoor, Mangalkote and other parts of the state is nothing but part and parcel of this game plan hatched with Maoists, pseudo intellectuals and politically motivated media favouring her.
There is no denying the fact that wherever she goes, she accompanies with her a force engaged in destruction, obstruction, assault, hooliganism, rowdyism, loot, provocation,fire setting, murder, plunder and rape. She and her colleagues speak the language of the underworld.
The whole country saw how Mamata Banerjee and her perverted goons on the slightest pretext had destroyed the valuable property inside the West Bengal Legislative Assembly, again and again burnt all kinds of both public and private vehicles to ashes, damaged government offices and its properties worth crores and crores of rupees. She had obstructed railways tracks and National Highways for days together during Singur and Nandigram agitations including Durgapur Highway Express. She did not forcibly allow coming up industries and executing developmental works in the state.
The Indian Railways is in a mess under her. The safety and security of the passengers are in danger. In fact, her political friends the Maoists have a free hand in the railways.
Now, she is hell bent on burning the state by way of creating a reign of terror and complete lawlessness to facilitate paving way for the imposition of President’s rule so as to advance as early as possible the assembly elections scheduled to be held in 2011.
The Maoist Fascists with red flags, imperialists, international finance capital, big business houses, ‘pseudo’ intellectuals and politically motivated media back her dangerous mission and operation. The present violence taking place in Lalgharh, Khanakul, Nanoor, Mangalkote and other parts of the state is nothing but part and parcel of this game plan hatched with Maoists, pseudo intellectuals and politically motivated media favouring her.
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